Hello all,

Below, please see important Seaforth men’s basketball weekly update (Sun, 7/21).

Coach Berry

Quote: “Always strive to be a good person and do good.”


Open-gym Schedule:

This week, there will be 3 open-gyms:

  • Tue, 7/23 from 4:00pm – 5:30pm
  • Thu, 7/25 from 6:00am – 7:30am
  • Sat, 7/27 from 9:00am – 10:30am (shooting machine inclusion)

Take advantage of upcoming open-gym sessions, as there will be a “major” dead period from Wed, 7/31 – Tue, 8/20.

It's Nothing Personal, It’s Just Business:

Years ago, while in high school, I feverishly-worked to become a very good wrestler. In my senior year, I accumulated many accolades: most valuable wrestler, scholar athlete of the year and team captain.

Looking back, I have one MAJOR regret. When matched up to wrestle my best friend (from another team), mentally, I was compromised.

Against all other opponents, I approached each wrestling match with “bad intentions (but within rules)”, accumulating a record of 17 – 1.

When matched up against my best friend, my record was 0 – 2.

I didn’t have it in me to “destroy” my best friend. I couldn’t separate our friendship.

This was wrong!

My mentality should’ve been to compete as vigorously as I could. Afterwards, we could hug and resume being best friends.

Why am I sharing this?!

As you’re competing for a spot on Seaforth’s basketball team, while on the court, you MUST compete with your friends (or whoever is opposing you) at the highest level.

Not doing so could result in someone else securing a spot, and NOT you!

Off the court, all is good with everyone. On the court, compete hard (against any and everybody).

It’s nothing personal. It’s just business.

Extreme Ownership:

“The teacher didn’t show us this. The teacher didn’t show us that. That’s why I didn’t do well on exam.”

“The coach benched/cut me because he doesn’t like me. I’m better than that player.”

“Due to no fault of myself, I’m sick. There’s nothing I could’ve done for prevention.”

These are the three, most common EXCUSES I hear year-after-year.

Instead of looking to point the finger at someone or absolve yourself from any wrongdoing, implement the concept of Extreme Ownership.

Extreme Ownership is when you look for and identify anything you could’ve done (within your power) to better a situation. And lastly, assume full responsibility.

Using the “teacher didn’t show us” EXCUSE, by employing Extreme Ownership, you could’ve done the following:

  • Visit teacher during office hours
  • Ask more questions in class
  • Add additional hour of study per day
  • Form study group amongst peers
  • Tutor others (to obtain deeper understanding)

By employing these additional measures, chances are, you would’ve achieved better test results.

This is Extreme Ownership!

Never point the finger. Figure out a way to improvise, adapt and overcome.

By doing this, you’ll not only be a significant contributor on the basketball team, but you’ll also strengthen your character!


Although many student/athletes have submitted sport physicals, you MUST still upload physicals to PlanetHS.

PlanetHS is a repository, where athletic forms are stored. It’s the place where current and rising Seaforth students need to upload their sports physical. It’s mandated.

If student/athlete does not upload their sports physical into PlanetHS, they will NOT be able to participate in any Seaforth basketball activity.

To setup PlanetHS account and upload sports physical, go to the following URL:



Seaforth’s Basketball Calendar (click here)

Any student athlete (or parent), who would like to get notification texts, have them fill out form on website below:
