Hello all,
Below, please see important Seaforth men’s basketball weekly update (Sun, 8/4).
Coach Berry
Quote: “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”
Open-gym Schedule:
Due to dead period, there are NO open-gyms until Wed, 8/21. In the meantime, use your time wisely.
Basketball Clinic:
On Sat, 8/24 from 9:00am – 12noon, we’ll be running a basketball clinic at Seaforth High School.
During the clinic, we’ll be teaching the Mover/Blocker offensive system, which we will use this year.
Please note, for attendance, you must register.
Registration details will be forthcoming later this week. Stay tuned!
I Locked the Door:
A wise man once told me the following: arrive 5 minutes early, you’re on time. Arrive at start time, you’re late. Arrive after start time, go back home.
This is the philosophy I’ve established with my basketball teams.
Although basketball is the subject matter, this philosophy is applicable to all-things life. I want athletes to value time (especially other people’s).
Years back, I encouraged my players to arrive early, or face not getting into practice. Sure enough, the next day, a couple players arrived late (1 minute after start time). Unbeknownst to them, when they arrived, the door was locked, and they were asked to go home.
After this episode, suddenly, every player arrived at least 5 minutes early (at all subsequent practices). The athletes started taking themselves more seriously, grades improved, and team camaraderie exploded.
And consequentially, they became conference champions!
This is what I’m about: self-improvement, self-accountability, and self-awareness. Because, at the end of the day, I’m more interested in developing a player’s character more than anything else.Anti-Bully Film:
Featuring Coach Berry, check out this short film (18 min) on bullying, it’s negative effects and steps for prevention. It's a great public service announcement (PSA) film.
Seaforth’s Basketball Calendar (click here)
Any student athlete (or parent), who would like to get notification texts, have them fill out form on website below: