Hello all,

Below, please see important Seaforth men’s basketball weekly update (Sun, 8/11).

Coach Berry

Quote: “Focus on the process … not the result.”


Open Gym Schedule:

No open gym activity this week. Dead period runs thru Tue, 8/20. Our next open gym won’t be until, Wed, 8/21.

Use your time wisely.

Basketball Clinic Registration:

The Mover/Blocker basketball clinic will be on Sat, 8/24 from 9:00am – 12noon.

Thus far, there are 20+ registrations. If not already registered, don’t miss out!

To attend basketball clinic, click URL below:

Mover/Blocker offensive basketball clinic (click here)

Multi-sport Athlete:

If you are a multi-sport athlete, please see my thoughts below:

  • I’m super-happy you have the skillset to contribute to multiple sports. Go be great!
  • In-season sports hold priority over off-season sports. Obviously, if there are concurrent activities, you MUST attend in-season sport activity.
  • You will not be allowed to participate in basketball open-gym sessions unless in-season coach or athletic director grants permission.
  • You will not be penalized for not attending basketball open gym sessions. That is illegal, and unacceptable.

Any further questions, clarifications or concerns, please let me know.

Process over Results:

I want to win every game. In fact, I not only want to win, I want to dismantle everyone. It doesn’t matter who it is.

Here’s the problem, if we focus on the result (winning every game), we’ll lose our mind because of the huge task in front of us. Mentally, it’ll be overwhelming.

Instead, we must break up challenge of winning every game into small manageable tasks. As we complete the first task, we move to the second. Then the third. And so on.

As a team, instead of focusing on winning every game (result), we focus on individual tasks (process) that will ultimately lead to success on court.

Rhetorically asking, what individual tasks can you execute, leading to positive results?

  • Attend open gyms, bootcamps & clinics
  • Skill development, conditioning & weight training (on your own)
  • Study film (coach supplied)

By focusing on process over results, you’ll be ahead of 90% of your peers and on the road to success.

Participation Packet:

Below, please find the Chatham County Schools High School Athletic Participation (CCSHSAP) packet.

Although the CCSHSAP packet is not due until basketball season, this allows you to get ahead of what’s required.

The CCSHSAP packet includes the following:

  • Instructions
  • Eligibility Rules
  • Pre-participation Physical Evaluation
  • Concussion Information

At your convenience, download, print, review and execute any required action. See packet below:

CCSHSAP Packet (click here)


Seaforth’s Basketball Calendar (click here)

Any student athlete (or parent), who would like to get notification texts, have them fill out form on website below:

