Hello all,

Below, please see important Seaforth men’s basketball weekly update (Sun, 8/18).

Coach Berry

Quote: “NO: it’s a very important word. It protects you from trouble. It is used by independent, strong-minded individuals when necessary.”


Open Gym Schedule (and other activity):

This week, we have two open gyms, Seaforth open-house and basketball clinic:

Open gyms

  • Wed, 8/21 from 6:00am – 7:30am
  • Fri, 8/23 from 6:00am – 7:30am

Seaforth Open House

  • Thu, 8/22 from 4:30pm – 5:30pm (9th grade)
  • Thu, 8/22 from 5:30pm – 6:30pm (10th – 12th grades)

Time permitting, please come say “hello” to basketball coaches (as we'll have a table).

Basketball Clinic

  • Sat, 8/24 from 9:00am – 12noon

To register into basketball clinic (Mover/Blocker offensive system), click here.

Basketball Coaching Staff:

Our basketball coaching staff has been approved (by the board) and finalized. Officially, here are the Seaforth men’s basketball coaches:

John Berry
Head Coach, Men’s Varsity Basketball

Andre Nabors
Assistant Coach, Men’s Varsity Basketball

Barrett Freeman
Assistant Coach, Men’s Varsity Basketball

Fred White
Assistant Coach, Men’s Varsity Basketball

Shane Scott
Head Coach, Men’s Junior Varsity Basketball

Christopher Moody
Assistant Coach, Men’s Junior Varsity Basketball

I’m extremely excited about our staff, as we’re loaded with experience (years playing & coaching). Take advantage by being fully engaged!

Instagram Page:

Please follow the Seaforth men’s basketball Instagram page:


Moving forward, I’ll post content here periodically (during each week).

Seaforth Men’s Basketball Store:

Check out our new swag at the men's basketball store:


If ordering something, please do so by Tue, 9/3, as store will be closing.

Grand Theft Auto:

I had just turned 16 years old, the legal age to drive. Periodically, I’d ask to drive my parent’s car. Sometimes permission was granted. Other times not.

One day, a friend of mind, named Mike, came running to me! He said, “Poo (my childhood nickname), if you’re up to it, you can drive my aunt’s car! I’m not of age to drive, but she said you can drive!”

When Mike said this, I was a little skeptical but took Mike at his word. I, and 3 other teenage boys began joyriding. After a while (2 - 3 hours), we came back to the neighborhood. Parked the car. Then, we all went to our respective homes for the night.

About 30 minutes later, I heard some ruckus outside! I looked out my window and saw a bevy of police cars. They had surrounded the car I just drove. Later, I find out that car had been stolen!!! OMG!!!

(When I learned this, my so-called friendship with Mike immediately ended!)

The police towed the car away, and never caught Mike. No one spoke up due to fear of repercussion! Just think, had I been caught driving that stolen car, my life may have been forever changed!

The biggest lesson I learned was how to use the word “NO”! At the time Mike asked me to drive, it didn’t sound right. Something in my gut didn’t feel good. Yet, I went on to drive the car anyway.

Had I just said, “HECK NO”, I would’ve avoided this serious, life-altering risk!

In your life, if something doesn’t feel right, smell right or you know it’s wrong, simply say NO!

This is the easiest way to stay out of trouble and avoid drama!


Seaforth’s Basketball Calendar (click here)

Any student athlete (or parent), who would like to get notification texts, have them fill out form on website below:

