Hello all,

Below, please see important Seaforth men’s basketball weekly update (Sun, 8/25).

Coach Berry

Quote: “Your best ability is your availability. Be there; show up every single time.”


Open Gym Schedule:

This week, we have two open gyms:

  • Thu, 8/29 from 6:00am – 7:30am
  • Sat, 8/31 from 9:00am – 10:30am

Please note, on request, I’ll open Seaforth’s gym for you to get extra shots (using shooting machine) or address any questions you may have (basketball related).

Some of you have already taken me up on this offer. Good for you!

Basketball Clinic Recap:

By all measures, the Mover/Blocker Offensive basketball clinic was sensational! Many players (out of 24 participants) have raved about it.

Moving forward, we’ll offer an additional 2 or 3 clinics, which serve as basketball systems we’ll use during season. Attendance is highly encouraged (if possible).

At upcoming open gyms, we’ll be using concepts learned from these clinics.

Within week, I’ll provide registration details for next basketball clinic (Pack Line Defensive System). Stay tuned.

New School Year:

Your first day of school is tomorrow (Mon, 8/26). Wishing you a very educational, prosperous and uplifting school year (with no drama).

Be that shining example to your peers (leadership). Be that high character person adults (such as administrators, teachers, coaches, etc.) marvel at.

Let’s make this your best year!

Jewelry Policy:

At open gyms, practices and games, NO worn jewelry is allowed.

Jewelry consists of the following:

  • Necklaces
  • Earrings
  • Bracelets
  • Rings
  • Anklets

Thanks in advance for your understanding (by NOT wearing jewelry).

Boring Basketball Players:

I love boring basketball players!

If boring means player is fundamentally-sound, and plays the game to be effective, give me that boring basketball player every day of the week.

Too many times I see players perform basketball acts to “look good”, as opposed to “maximizing” their chances of being successful.

Here are a few examples:

  • Missed dunk (as opposed to shooting a simple layup)
  • Catching or rebounding basketball with one hand (why not catch or rebound basketball with two hands)
  • Dribbling too much trying to make a “fantastic” play (simply pass ball and allow team offense to do its job)
  • Shooting 3’s with very bad accuracy rate (shoot basketball shots, where your accuracy is 80% when unguarded)
  • Reaching to steal basketball, playing “hero” ball (focus on perfecting 1 v 1 defense)

Boring players are fundamentally-sound, make great decisions and glue-guys (makes everyone else better). Boring players are anchors on team.

In short, be a boring basketball player!

Everybody Don’t Want Success:

I know, this sounds silly! But hear me out.

As an old wise woman once said to me, “Don’t listen to what a person says, watch what they do!”

As a basketball coach, one of the things that get under my crawl is when a player has high basketball aspirations, but when pressed on their preparation, it’s shallow at best.

In my mind, how in the world can you realistically expect breakthrough results when you absolutely did nothing (or minimum) to succeed? This is why I say, “Everybody don’t want success!”

To get where you want to go, it’s all about action!

Here at Seaforth, you have an opportunity to engage in action by attending open gym workouts. If you can, make it a priority to attend.

As they say, your best ability is your availability. By being available, you’re showing your medal, and beginning to open the possibilities.

Seaforth Men’s Basketball Store:

Check out our new swag at the men's basketball store:


If ordering something, please do so by Tue, 9/3, as store will be closing.


Seaforth’s Basketball Calendar (click here)

Any student athlete (or parent), who would like to get notification texts, have them fill out form on website below:

