Below, please see important Seaforth men’s basketball weekly update (Sun, 9/15).
Coach Berry
Quote: “What you do has far greater impact than what you say.”
Open Gym Schedule:
This week, we have two (2) open gyms:
- Tue, 9/17 from 6:00am – 7:30am
- Thu, 9/19 from 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Breakfast Club:
This week, there are two (2) breakfast club engagements:
- Mon, 9/16 from 6:15am – 7:15am
- Fri, 9/20 from 6:15am – 7:15am
Basketball Clinic Summary:
The basketball clinic (Pack Line Defensive System) was sensational.
The basketball clinic had great content, well attended but most importantly, the team worked very hard to understand a “critical” system for upcoming season.
Thank you for making the “Pack Line” basketball clinic a priority!
Our next basketball clinic will be held on Sat, Oct 5 from 11:00am – 2:00pm. This clinic will cover our "Press & Press Break Systems".
Registration URL for the “Press & Press Break” basketball clinic will be available by Thu, 9/19.
Weekly Basketball Tip:
When playing the “Pack Line” defense, here are three (3) important tips:
- Strong on-ball pressure – Pressure the ball without getting beat
- Stay inside the pack line – Defenders off-ball must stay with the “pack line”
- Help-side Defense (ball first, man second) – Always be ready to help on drives
These “Pack Line” defensive tips are great to focus on when just learning.
Player Criteria for Making Basketball Team:
Seaforth’s upcoming basketball tryouts will be held on Wed, 10/30 and Thu, 10/31 (2 days).
We anticipate 60 – 80 players trying out for 25 spots (varsity & JV teams).
During tryouts, each player will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Basketball fundamentals
- Basketball IQ
- Coachability
- Effort & hustle
- Physical fitness
- Leadership
- Work ethic
- Teamwork
- Attitude
- Decision making under pressure
Players will be graded on each criterion (1 – 10). One being the lowest. Ten being the highest.
Scores will be tallied for each player. The top twenty-five (25) scores will secure spots on teams (varsity & JV).
Please note, it’s not certain players from prior years will secure spots.
She Spit in My Face:
The year was 1999. I was coaching a 7th grade boys’ basketball team. We had just lost a close game. Afterwards, one of the player’s mother approached, and berated me in public. She felt I was unfair to her son.
As I’m being berated, spit was flying from her mouth into my face!
Let’s stop there for a moment. What would you do?! Likely, you may have snapped!
When working with, or around kids, I try to hold myself to a higher standard. A long time ago, I came to understand that I’m just a spec of sand on the beach. I’ve learned not to take myself too seriously.
I also understand that if a parent perceives that you’re not treating their kid fairly (rightly or wrongly), or belittling them, the parent will come after you!
As a coach, if you can’t deal with that, you shouldn’t coach. The coach must understand this, and always be the adult (in the room) when conflict arises.
This is the overriding principle I try to follow.
What did I do when the mother was spitting in my face? I stood there and took it! When she finished, I apologized for the fact that she felt (or perceived) I was unfair to her son!
Later that night when I arrived home, I had mixed feelings. On one hand, I wish I had responded with fire! On the other hand, I felt great because I exercised extreme self-control under very tough circumstances.
Taking the “high road” is a behavior I pray my players will model. It demonstrates high character, maturity and self-control.
About five years ago, I returned to Glen Ridge, NJ to attend an ex-player’s wedding. Guess what? I ran into this mother again. I interacted with her as if nothing ever happened.
But I’ll always remember, she was the mother that spit in my face.
Seaforth’s Basketball Calendar (click here)
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